KUSANAGI Update 8.4.0

KUSANAGI Update 8.4.0

New KUSANAGI deployment features have been added.

As of 8.4.0, the following features are available:

  • WAF
  • No longer support TLS1.1 and older version
  • Vuls(Vulnerbility scanner)
  • Open Source Tripwire (IDS)
  • Open Source Tripwire (IDS)
nginx 1.15.2 (OpenSSL 1.0.2p)
PHP7 7.2.9 (OpenSSL 1.0.2p)
httpd 5.1.12 (OpenSSL 1.0.2p)
OpenSSL 1.0.2p

TSL1.1 will be disabled when KUSANAGI update.

use the following command to enable WAF

# kusanagi waf on

Note: WAF is available on new provisioned website.

use the following command to enable Vuls

# kusanagi addon install vuls

use the following command to enable Open Source Tripwire

# kusanagi addon install tripwire

use the following command to enable Suricata

# kusanagi addon install suricata

Please check this kusanagi document for details about kusanagi command.

To enable the aforementioned features, execute the following command:

# yum update